
  • Adityan Dravid U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India
  • Mayur Ambikar U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India
  • Mayur Shelar U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India.
  • Nachiket Shivarkar U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India.
  • Prafulla Chor Professor Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India



IC engine, Heat energy recovery, Silencer bend pipe, TEG, Electric load.


The current worldwide trend of increasing transportation is responsible for increasing the use of internal combustion engines. I.C engines, the devices with a high energy usage and low efficiency because roughly 75 % of the energy produced during combustion is lost in the exhaust and in the coolant of the engine in the form of heat. As a huge amount of energy is lost, there is urgent need to design a advice to trap this loss. This paper proposes and implements a waste heat recovery system using a thermoelectric generator (TEG) designed for four strokes I.C. engine. The system converts the waste heat from the exhaust manifold into electrical energy using a TEG. The output is then boosted by a Joule Thief converter to run the required load or to charge a battery. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system recovers considerable amount of waste heat which can be used to power some auxiliary automobile devices.


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How to Cite

Adityan Dravid, Mayur Ambikar, Mayur Shelar, Nachiket Shivarkar, and Prafulla Chor, “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 4, May 2022.

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