
  • Santosh Sudhakar Tidke Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune.
  • Akash Mahadev Sonawane Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune.
  • Vaibhav Kumar Waghmare Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune.
  • Vishal Kumar Shinde Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune.
  • Prof. S.R.Joshi Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering And Research, Wagholi, Pune.


Tidal energy is renewable energy which exist in nature. so we are using tidal energy to compress the air which can be used later in many ways in which air will be compressed by cylinder and piston in which piston will be operated by waves. we are designing the structure which will be built in the sea where high wave deflection is generated in which the chamber will work as a cylinder and the wave will work as a piston the whole structure including sea wave will work as air compressor. On the structure there will be one inlet suction and outlet suction. Inlet suction will suck the air as waves goes downward andthen through outlet as waves come upward both suction will be attached to a one way valve to restrict one direction air flow in this way many chamber will attach to each other in series due to which we will get constant pressure difference in both suction inlet and outlet then that pressure difference or that energy can be used to generate the electricity through turbine.


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How to Cite

Santosh Sudhakar Tidke, Akash Mahadev Sonawane, 3Vaibhav Kumar Waghmare, Vishal Kumar Shinde, and Prof. S.R.Joshi, “ELECTRICITY GENERATION BY USING EXPERIMENTAL SETUP OF COMPRESSOR & TIDAL WAVES ”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 5, May 2022.