
  • Shrikant Batule U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India
  • Shrikant Batule U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India
  • Rohit Patil U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India
  • Vaibhav Pawar U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India
  • Nadaf Moshin Abdulmajeed U. G Student Mechanical Department, JSPM’s Imperial College Of Engineering & Research, Pune, India



Climbing, Four Bar Mechanism, Magnetic Field, Detect Crack,


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How to Cite

Shrikant Batule, Shrikant Batule, Rohit Patil, Vaibhav Pawar, and Nadaf Moshin Abdulmajeed, “DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF MILD STEEL WALL CLIMBING ROBOT”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 3, May 2022.