
  • Anorbayeva Feruza Alisher qizi Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Samarkand State University
  • Akhadova Guzal Imatulloyevna Senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages, Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute




foreign language; globalization; electronic course; intercultural communication; goals; professional activity; techniques and methods of teaching; teaching technologies; LMS Moodle system.


In this article, the authors consider the problems of foreign language training within the framework of the traditional system of education in technical universities. The article also provides an analysis of the approach to teaching a foreign language, which represents the greatest practical difficulty in organizing the educational process. The novelty of the article is provided by an integrated approach to the problem under consideration, which implies the relationship of the main aspects of the pedagogical process described in the article, namely the content and means of education. Significant attention is also paid to the importance of the presence of authentic materials in the classroom, the main source of which today is the Internet and e-learning in the LMS Moodle system. The positive aspects and disadvantages that hinder the acquisition of a foreign language at the modern level are highlighted. Also, as a result of this work, the authors made proposals on the systematization of methods, teaching techniques, the need to learn the language using modern achievements in science and technology, which allows developing foreign language communicative competence, which plays a positive role in the modern education system.


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How to Cite

Anorbayeva Feruza Alisher qizi and Akhadova Guzal Imatulloyevna, “SPECIFIC APPROACH TO TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITIES”, IEJRD - International Multidisciplinary Journal, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 6, May 2022.

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